Back at It Again

close up of hand holding pencil over white background
Photo by on

So I have been avoiding writing the past month like a complete buttface. In my defense, I did have some finals and big trips coming up and some relationship issues, so yeah I was a bit distracted. But still I can look back and remember days where I was just sitting at work doing nothing or sitting at home doing nothing and knowing that I ought to be writing more chapters for my book.

I am usually so good at it. I have never had a huge issue with writing a chapter a day, but I totally faltered this past month. And the last couple of days I have been kicking myself for it. My new year’s resolution was to begin sending my manuscript out by the end of the year and gosh dang it I will accomplish this no matter what. But if I keep putting it off until the Fall…I know I won’t make my deadline since I’ll be taking 16 credits worth of classes on top of working and participating in a new school program I joined.

At this point, I only have about a month and a half left until I get totally bombarded with the Fall semester. And so I have left myself notes that say “write!” and yesterday I had a four hour shift at work, in which we had no clients scheduled for the entire day and I was all caught up on my readings and effectively had nothing else to do except write.

And for whatever reason I have had this anxiety about starting my chapters again. I knew I was about to re-write a difficult set of chapters in my novel and I wasn’t looking forward to it all that much. I just kept thinking about how long it would take or how my hands/wrists/fingers/arms might start to ache again (since there’s no good position to write in there). I just kept thinking of the negatives, basically. But then I had a coworker sit down and ask “so how’s your story going?”

That was really all I needed. And so I opened my laptop and finished writing over 6,000 words, 15 pages, or three whole chapters. No matter what way I look at it, it made me feel very good. I left work with my mind racing on the upcoming chapters and thinking about how I could improve them or what I could add and that felt epic. I love when my mind is overflowing with creativity and too many good ideas to really keep track of. Life seems significantly more enjoyable when I have my head in the clouds.

I don’t really know why I was so anxious about starting up the writing again, but I am glad I did. I was productive and have got my creative juices and inspiration flowing again. I don’t know if one chapter a day is going to get me finished in time, so I guess I may just have to write several chapters a day now instead, but I’m just glad that I’m back at it again with my writing game. And as for writing 2-3 chapters a day…bring it on.